Glass & Glazing Industry Mental Health Survey 2024

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Glass & Glazing Industry Mental Health Survey 2024

It’s been two years since we ran our first mental health survey in the industry. Since then, we feel the taboo has been removed and it’s more widely acknowledged that mental health is an issue in the sector and one we’re collectively working towards improving, although there is a long way to go.

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from Monday 13 – Sunday 19 May 2024. The theme, as set by the Mental Health Foundation, is “Movement: moving for our mental health” so we think it’s a great opportunity to see if there has been any movement for Mental Health in our sector and understand if our perception is true with real life data on what’s happening in our sector.

We’d like to invite you, anonymously, to take 5 minutes of your time to complete the survey.

To participate and make your voice heard, please click here.

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